Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chickpea cutlets from the a-maze-ing Veganomicon. Yummers! Best enjoyed with potatoes, asparagus and bomb-diggity gravy. Oh, and beer, of course.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The biscuits that almost weren't

Brad and I were totally craving biscuits yesterday morning, so we get the oven fired up, and start with the mixing... except one thing is missing: baking powder.

Kinda hard to make biscuits without baking powder, right? Wrong! Brad was smart enough to use the power of the information superhighway, and found a DIY version with cornstarch, cream of tartar and baking soda - yay! Biscuits were back on.

So, the dough is ready and rolled, all we need to do now is cut them... with our biscuit cutter... which is in the dishwasher... which is in the middle of a wash cycle. Oops. I guess this is why they tell you to get all of your ingredients out before you start cooking, right?

Luckily we had just the thing - our new star shaped Christmas cookie cutters.

Festive biscuits indeed! And the little baby sized one is a puppy biscuit for Lucy - yummm!